Watering Schedule Revisited

At the risk of jinxing it, I feel pretty good about the yard at this point. And according to the schedule outlined by Turf Titanz, I am ready to update the watering schedule.


I have already noted my current schedule, but I will now be modifying it in the hopes of aligning with the general guidance of:

On the third week 30-35 minute run times should be fine

I have interpreted that as:

Zone 1 [left side]Cycle A
Start Water (time)06:00
How Long (mins)30
Zone 2 [right side]Cycle A
Start Water (time)06:30
How Long (mins)30
Zone 3 [left ditch]Cycle A
Start Water (time)12:00
How Long (mins)30
Zone 4 [right ditch]Cycle A
Start Water (time)12:30
How Long (mins)45


Wait and see.


  • So basically, the modification is to only water once a day (Cycle A), but for twice as long
  • I cannot justify actually doing twice as long in Zone 4 because there is already standing water in the bottom of the ditch…

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Daniel Whitley
Daniel Whitley
Administrator of thisdwhitley.com

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.
