Free Lawn Mower

understanding that free is relative

I am admittedly a packrat. And when I saw that someone left a Honda mower on the curbside, I couldn’t resist taking it.

If you do not care to read (or about) all the words and explanations, feel free to skip to the SHORT VERSION


I actually spoke with the previous owner. He mentioned that it starts and runs just fine, but that it no longer self propels. I told him that I needed the excercise, but really knowing that with the power of the internet, I CAN FIX ANYTHING! We’ll just have to see at what cost…

The prior owner noted that it had been stored outside for the last 2 months, and so it was soaked since it has been raining pretty constantly for at LEAST 2 months. I only bring that up because I was not able to start it…

It is a HRR2164TDA: MZCG-7700001 through 7799999. I have not done a lot of research into this model but I do not suspect that is a top of the line model. But I always hear that Honda makes some of the best lawn mowers. On that note, I have 1 completely busted and another mostly busted Honda mower in my shed. Now I have a third that doesn’t work…YET!


  • The first challenge will be to get this mower cleaned up and starting.


  • It is hard to associate a cost to the time and effort I’m going to put into this “free” mower


  • It pays to pay attention to free stuff


  • N/A


To avoid tl;dr enjoy this instead:

  • I got a free mower which I will undoubtedly sink a lot of time to get running

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Daniel Whitley
Daniel Whitley
Administrator of

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.
